Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cramped office

I sit at a place that is a meeting point ( they actually don't quite meet )of two desk edges. Hence I have a massive crack running down my desk. I am not hogging a large space, on the contrary I am making use of left over periphery spaces forced out from my neighbours on either side of me.

Now the tricky thing is where do you draw the line? or do you draw the line at all? When does one give and when does one push it back? Is it really a problem when you come into work in the morning and have to scavenge through your neighbour's B1 drawing sheets to rediscover your mouse and headphones?

The epitome of this spatial disaster really hits when I drive my wheeled chair over headphone wires and folders stacked next to the bin starts falling into it.

I might as well sit with my Hard drive between my knees...

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