Wednesday, July 9, 2008

death of a succulent

Some would remember the two small succulents that lives in my apartment.

One of it really really died. I am caught in grief.

Now I should get another pot plant. Edward looks way too lonely spending the whole day alone. I think I am becoming a recluse. help!


Linda said...

should you be trusted with another plant grace? hmmm...

don't worry, Lou managed to kill her succulent as well.

Unknown said...

Huh? I never killed by succulent! I didn't have one - I have Gilbert who is alive and well.

It was the grass that died a painful death, and that was because my house is haunted. Hence the lack of grass.

(It's Lou btw)

Julie said...

Hi. I am sorry about your death! MUST get a new succulent since they are the best plants ever!!! Put in a sunny place and water only once a month...thats what I do and it works great!

Linda said...

Lou, I was sure your plant was one of those succulants that have the water in the middle of them. I remember it was rotting at the core.

Maybe you blocked the tramatic event?

Unknown said...

The aloe vera plant! It died a sad and lonely death (probably because I kept ripping off the leaves to use for my excema - which didn't work)